
WebHare ships with an embedded OpenSearch server for Consilio's usage which by default runs on localhost on the baseport + 6 (usually 13685). Consilio can also be configured to use an external OpenSearch cluster for storage.

Useful commands

Useful commands for the builtin OpenSearch:

# Check health
wh consilio:opensearch_curl '/_cluster/health?pretty=true'

# List plugins (eg to check if analysis-icu is there)
wh consilio:opensearch_curl '/_cat/plugins?v'

# List indices
wh consilio:opensearch_curl '/_cat/indices?v'

# Get field mapping for an index
wh consilio:opensearch_curl '/<indexname>/_mapping?pretty=true'

# Raw search
wh consilio:opensearch_curl -XPOST -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'<query>' '/<indexname>/_search'

# Delete all indices starting with myprefix__
wh consilio:opensearch_curl -XDELETE '/myprefix__*'

# Run a dashboard for your local opensearch, MacOS with homebrew. Update URLs as needed:
brew install opensearch-dashboards
/usr/local/opt/opensearch-dashboards/bin/opensearch-dashboards --opensearch.hosts=

You can also access OpenSearch over in WebHare's default configuration, but wh consilio:opensearch_url will look up the exact URL for you.



You can connect an OpenSearch Dashboard to the builtin OpenSearch server by creating a personal App account of type 'consilio:opensearch'. You'll need to be a sysop to access OpenSearch.

Use the supplied password to construct a URL to OpenSearch: Update the username, password and hostname as neeed.

(keep in mind that any @ in your loginname needs to be escaped as %40 per standard URL rules)

You can test your URL by passing it to curl - it should show some JSON output. This will also show you the version number of OpenSearch - you will need the Dashboard to be the same version

The easiest way to start the Dashboard is probably to use the docker container for OpenSearch dashboard as follows:

docker run -p\
           -e OPENSEARCH_HOSTS='[""]'\
           -e OPENSEARCH_USERNAME="login"\
           -e OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD="password"\

Update the environment variables and version number as needed.

The OpenSearch Dashboard docker will say something like Server running at, which is the url to use to open the Dashboard

Index manipulation

# close an index
wh consilio:opensearch_curl -XPOST '/<indexname>/_close'