
Beacons have a name (eg is-student) and an associated last-trigger date/time.

Adaptive content can be linked to beacons. Use <setlibrary name="publisher:beacons"> to point adaptive content apps to your beacon store(s).

    <to type="all" />
    <setlibrary name="publisher:beacons">
      <source path="site::mysite/beacons/" />

Keep in mind that if you have multiple sources of beacon that their names still need to be unique.

Triggering a beacon by visiting a page

In RTDs and texts within forms the 'trigger beacon' widget can be added to trigger the selected beacon when the page is visited. To be able to add this widget, the widget must be allowed in the used RTD type. If you add the widget to a form page, the beacon is only triggered if the page to which the beacon was added has been visible.

JavaScript API:

To trigger a beacon programmatically, for example after the user performs a certain action within a website, use the JavaScript API.

import * as beacons from '@mod-publisher/js/contentlibraries/beacons';

// Sets/triggers the beacon

// Removes/clears the beacon

if (beacons.isSet("is-student"))
  // The beacon was triggered

const since = new Date();
since.setDate(since.getDate() - 7);
if (beacons.isSet("is-student", { since }))
  // The beacon was triggered within the last 7 days

if (beacons.isSet("is-student", { minCount: 3 }))
  // The beacon was triggered at least 3 times

if (beacons.isSet("is-student", { since, minCount: 3 }))
  // The beacon was triggered at least 3 times within the last 7 days