Setting up webservices

A moduledefinition shall declare

    <webservice name="servicename" transports="jsonrpc" library="lib/internal/servicelibrary.whlib" primarytrans="none" prefix="rpc_">

Transports can be one or more of

You would generally use whremoting for services invoked from HareScript and jsonrpc for services invoked from JavaScript.

You can also have your services backed by a JavaScript implementation by using the service= attribute:

    <webservice name="servicename" transports="jsonrpc" service="myservice.ts#serviceobject">

You can set requirewhaccount="true" to require users of the RPC to have a WebHare account. <accesscheck/> can then be used to further require a specific permission.

Setting a prefix (eg RPC_) helps prevent accidentally exporting callable services.

Invoking a service from JavaScript

You can use WebHare's builtin JSON-RPC 1.0 client. Construct the service and await:

import { createClient } from "@webhare/jsonrpc-client";

const client = createClient("moduleservice:servicename");
let result = await client.myfunction(param1, param2);

You can pass options such as debug and signal (for abort) as the options parameter to createClient, but you can also change these for just one call:

const client = createClient("moduleservice:servicename", {timeout: 500});
let result2 = await client.withOptions({debug: true}).myfunction(param1, param2);

You can use TypeScript to define an interface for your RPC.

import createClient from "@webhare/jsonrpc-client";

export interface MyService
  /** Validate an e-mail address
   * @param emailaddress - Address to validate
   * @returns Validation result
  validateEmail(langcode: string, emailaddress: string) : Promise<boolean>;

const client = createClient<MyService>("publisher:forms");

Invoking HareScript services (rpc.json)

You can use a .rpc.json file (this exact extension is required!) with the following contents to execute HareScript defined services:

{ "services": [ "modulename:servicename" ] }

which will setup a function returning a promsie for every function in your library.

Then you can invoke the functions using async/await:

import * as myrpc from "./services.rpc.json";
async function()
  let result = await myrpc.myfunction(param1, param2);

You can also access the underlying RPCClient here using myrpc.rpcclient and use the standard invoke as myrpc.invoke in case you need to specify a timeout or abort signal.

Low-level invocation

You can also use the low-level APIs for full control over service calls. The following example does a call to RPC_Echo as would be defined in the definition above.

import RPCClient from '@mod-system/js/wh/rpc';

let rpc = new RPCClient("modulename:servicename");
let result = await rpc.invoke("echo", "Hi everybody!");

You can also pass options to invoke. These options are passed as the first parameter as it would be hard to distinguish them from RPC parameters otherwise

To set a timeout for a single RPC call:

  let result = await rpc.invoke({ timeout: 500} , "SleepFunction", "param1", 1000);
  //do something with result
  //handle timeout or error...

To be able to abort calls you need to setup an AbortController and pass its signal as an option: parameter (which is passed as the FIRST element here)

let controller = new AbortController;
document.getElementById("stopbutton").addEventListener("click", () => controller.abort());
let result = await rpc.invoke({ signal: controller.signal }, "SleepFunction", "param1", 100000);

Migrating from the JSONRPC object

The JSONRPC object has been deprecated in favor of an async-fetch based approach. If you were using the "import rpc.json" approach, you will be automatically switched to the new API.

If you were manually invoking JSONRPC objects, here's a quick migration guide:

// Replace the JSONRPC import:
import JSONRPC from '@mod-system/js/net/jsonrpc';
// with the RPCClient import:
import RPCClient from '@mod-system/js/wh/rpc';

// Replace JSONRPC object creation
let rpc = new JSONRPC({ url:"/wh_services/modulename/servicename/"})
// with the RPCClient constructor
let rpc = new RPCClient("modulename:servicename")

// If you were already using async calls, they are easy to replace:
let result = await rpc.async("echo", "Hi everybody!");
// would become
let result = await rpc.invoke("echo", "Hi everybody!");

HareScript considerations when handling JSON/RPC

An empty JavaScript arrays shows up as a DEFAULT VARIANT ARRAY in HareScript, which can easily crash code. Arrays with at least one member are converted to the proper HareScript ARRAY type if possible, butif the members are of mixed type the array will still be of type VARIANT ARRAY. Use EnforceStructure to normalize received JSON data.