TestSiteOutputAvailability (open)

Test a site output availability


LOADLIB "mod::publisher/lib/siteapi.whlib";

RECORD FUNCTION TestSiteOutputAvailability(INTEGER forsiteid, INTEGER newoutputweb, STRING newoutputfolder)


INTEGER forsiteid

Site id for which we are testing (set to 0 if the site is not created yet)

INTEGER newoutputweb

New output webserver

STRING newoutputfolder

Outputfolder within the new webserver

Return value


Site output availability test result

RECORD ARRAY neededfolders

Foreign folders that need to be in place to create the requested output

INTEGER neededfolders.id

Id of the object that is in the way. If 0, no object is in the way but the foreign folder must be created

INTEGER neededfolders.name

Name of the needed foreign folder

INTEGER neededfolders.parent

Parent folder in which the foreign folder should exist

INTEGER neededfolders.site

Id of site that requires this folder. 0 if it's the site for which primaryoutput is called that needs the folder

STRING outputfolder

The output folder used in testing (we may fix/update it)

INTEGER sitecontaininglocation

If not 0, id of the site that requires a foreign folder to hold this site. See neededfolders for more details

INTEGER siteonlocation

If not 0, id of the site that's already publishing at this location

BOOLEAN success

True if output is available