The WebHare backend no longer supports Internet Explorer, including IE11. So long, and thanks for all the (Active)X.
The WebHare backend is now protected by a Content-Security-Policy on development installations (in preparation for
enabling this everywhere)
We have dropped support for old @webhare- and @__webhareroot- JavaScript/CSS import paths.
Replace @__webhareroot- with just @mod-
Replace @webhare-<mod>/ with either @mod-<mod>/js/... or @mod-<mod>/nodejs/...
TestFramework::ExtractAllMailFor will now only return the exact number of mails requested, and not pop off extra mails. If
you want this, you will need to explicitly opt in using the returnallmails option. This makes test behavior more consistent
when the same mailbox is extracted repeatedly.
WebBrowser::GotoWebPage no longer accepts passing an empty string as the URL to go to.
Development wh commands such as wh up and wh umic have been moved to the 'dev' module
AmazonAWSS3Interface has been deprecated, users should switch to AmazonAWSS3Service which offers the same API
expect that it supports an AmazonAWSConfig object to initialize it.
Removes system/lib/commondialogs.whlib. All APIs there already have replacements in system/lib/dialogs.whlib and the
existing commondialogs.whlib screens broke in WebHare 4.32.
"DATE" values in WRD are now properly truncated to dates on read and write. The existing values in the database aren't
updated so you can still change a field to be a DATETIME if that was your intention all along.
Removes hint, hinttid and icon from select <option>s. These probably haven't done anything since WebHare 4.
The outputtools (reload/watch widget) have been moved to the dev module.
Things that are nice to know
Adds an experimental and much faster esbuild based build pipeline. Optin by setting any of the es2016..es2021 or esnext
values as your assetpacks 'compatibility' value. (4.32 will still compile these as 'modern', but 4.31 will not support this
property at all).
Keep in mind that esbuild does not properly support url() in SCSS @imports done from other SCSS files (it resolves them
relative to the highest level SCSS entrypoint). Moving the SCSS @import statement to a JS import often fixes this.
esbuild is much stricter than the original webpack setup we provided and has no way to transpile your code back to IE11 compatible code
For testing, you can force all assetpack builds to use esbuild instead of webpack by starting WebHare as follows:
WEBHARE_ASSETPACK_FORCE_COMPATIBILITY=es2018 wh console. (future versions may remove this option)
WebHare now records a timestamp 'when' proxy settings were applied. This helps proxies figure out whether an incoming
connection is from an older/restored WebHare and allows them to ignore this server.
Things you should do
Proxy servers should be upgraded to 3.2.0 to enable protection against 'old' servers coming online.